Black sesame perilla “gingerbread” greenhouse
Recipes and tips on how to make a black sesame shortbread “gingerbread greenhouse” with mochi cake foliage. Happy holidays!

The n00b’s guide to painting on buttercream
Stumped when it comes to painting cakes? Wondering how cold your cake needs to be, or whether you need to dilute your gel colors with vodka? Look no further - this n00b’s guide has got you covered.

How to: Avocado rose
Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn half an avocado into a rose. Wow your friends and family with rose-shaped avocado garnishes, but more importantly, jazz up your avocado toast (before you pulverize it into a spread, of course).

Dirty dalgona matcha latte
Want to give your dalgona coffee a twist? Try a dirty dalgona matcha latte! Not only is it fun to say - it’s also strangely therapeutic to make and doesn’t require a ton of ingredients. Yum - a delicious treat to break up the monotony of sheltering in place.

Glorious condensed milk buttercream
Oh condensed milk buttercream - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Here’s to the yummiest, easy-to-make, easy-to-smooth, and easy-to-pipe buttercream.